Isaiah part II (Chaps 40-66)

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Resurrection and regrowth prophecies.

  • Yeshayahu 40: Poem of return, rapprochement, reinstatement of the Genius of Israel -- all sin paid for.

    31 verses. God returns Israel with his glory shining, new chapter.

  • Yehaayahu 43: Poetry of Reconciliation and Return of Israel Diaspora

    28 verses: song of come-back, of return, or resurgence and of recovery -- from all over the Israelis are coming back to their homeland, so enthralling!

  • Yeshayahu 44: Rapprochement: God forgives Israel, Just disengage the foreign idols and embrace the True Creator!

    28 verses of upbeat prophecy, comparing the all powerful scope of God of Israel, to the pathetic incompetence of the celebrated idols, common in the neighborhood. Verses 22,23: I have wiped out your sins like a cloud, return to my bosom, I have given you salvation. The heavens sang because God had acted on; cheer oh, the depth of land; burst with a song you the mountains, you forest, and every tree therein -- God has brought salvation to Ya'acov, and in Israel God is Honored! .

  • Yeshayahu 45: Ode to the Omnipotence and Totality of God -- the Only Path to Salvation

    25 verses. In sweeping poetry, the power and strength of God is expressed -- the maker of all, of us: how can we question our maker? Why pray to non helpful God? Even a stark reminder: God is also the maker of evil! We are God's plan, and by so acknowledging we come to our blessed own!

  • Yeshayahu 50: Faith in God overcomes shame and ridicule, lack of it severs God's support.

    11 verses. God divorces the unfaithful not because God finds no more interest in them but because they abandoned their faith. God teaches the faithful early in the morning. And the well taught stand fast against defamation and ridicule. God has the power to do anything, so if the righteous suffers it is by divine design. Yeshayahu prays for God to clear his ear to hear the divine message, arguing that he stood fast against unGodly assault.

  • Yeshayahu 55: A Profound layout of God to Man Configuration

    13 short powerful verses. First message: prime: press for God! Don't be lulled by first making money to make way to pursue God. Press for God first and foremost -- money will settle on the way. God's pursuit is the juice of life, this pursuit will cut you a divine contract, divine attention. You will become an attraction for your surrounding. Then verse 6, so powerful: דרשו ה בהמצאו קראוהו בהיותו קרוב When you are awed, press for God, He is near and present; call for Him when you sense a profound experience! Implies that it is not in the synagogue, nor in the holidays -- it is in life walk through when awe happens then press for God! If you think bad and evil thoughts, you are off God -- quit and pursue God! Then comes the message of eternal superiority of the divine over the mortal: 8: God thoughts are not the thoughts of man, God's ways are not the ways of man. The common mistake, even of modern science, is to liken God to man, and so judge and appraise Him. As the skies rise above the earth so Gods thoughts and Gods ways are superior to those of man. Much as the rain comes from the skies down to the earth and it does not flow back, so God's influence descents and fertilizes man. Pursue God and bless you be!

  • Yeshayahu 60: A most glowing poetic role of resurrection, triumph, and constitution!

    21 verses. (1) Rise, shine, because your Light has come through, and God's Honor reflects from you. Darkness covers the land, nations are under fog, while God's light shines from you. Nations and Kings will follow your lead. Looks around, your sons and daughters come from all around. Your heart is in shock and swells, as gold and silver and glory is your share. Foreigners will come to build your palaces. Ships will sail for you. Your gates will be open day and night, never to be shut down. You will be named the City of God, the place of Zion, the Holy of Israel -- replacing your state of being forgotten and hated. And you will fully appreciate Gods deliverance. As improvement will be the order of the day: copper will be replaced with Gold, iron will be replaced with silver, wood will become copper, and stones will become iron. All with a regimen of peace and charity. No more calamity in your land, resourcefulness and glory will be in force. You will no longer regard the sun and the moon as the light giver, the entities to worship. You will fully realize God's light -- eternal and full of glory. Your days of mourning are over! Your people will all be righteous, will inherit this glory and buds. The small one will become a thousand, the young one will grow to a big nation. So proclaims God, when it is time, "I will rush it!".

  • Yeshayahu 63: A Mysterious raging avenger

    19 verses. a sweaty bloody avenger is spotted and he says: 4: the day of revenge is in my heart, and the year of my redemption has arrived, 5: and I looked around, nobody to help, and I wondered, but there is no one to rely on, so my arm became my tool of strength, my rage gave me support;, 6: this rage has conquered nations. I crashed them with my anger, and I pulled their eternal power to the ground. Who is this avenger? The rest of the chapter is a dialogue towards God to be merciful, treating his disappointing people.

  • Yeshayahu 66: The depressed and the God fearing man I will exalt. The boastful who build luxurious edifices anger me

    24 verses. God says: "The heaven is my seat; the Earth is the foot rest" how will you impress me with a tall building or such. I am seeking the God attentive, the humble one who is bound on obeying God's command. These humble ones will rejoice in the rebuilt Jerusalem. God will create a new Jerusalem, a new heaven and a new earth, and the trouble of yore will be no more -- while the unfollowers will remain outside the new grace. God will console its believer like a mother embraces and loves her son.