31 verses. Judea goes through the motion of worship, but is inherently evil, dishonors God, and administers no social justice. Judea is due for a painful punishment that would also cleanse it for another try.
22 verses. Upon the end of times God's Temple will rise high on top of the mountains, aloft of the hills , recognized by all nations, all saying: let's go to the house of Jacob to be taught the ways of the divine, Zion is the source of wisdom Jerusalem is where you hear God's talk. And God will judge among nations, and discipline many tribes. So learning all will turn their swords to spades, their spears to plant cutters. One nation will not rise in war against another, and the art of war will not be studied any longer. In light of this grand vision, the prophet calls upon Israel to believe in God and follow Him. Only that materialism and distraction. Alas, when God comes forth, all human pride and hubris will dissipate. The power of God's glory will sweep the earth.