Israel in Egypt, Prior to the Appearance of Moses (Exodus 1-4)

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Exodus 1:
Pharaoh, the benefactor of Yossef dies, and a new ruler comes to be. He is concerned that the multiplying Israelites would serve as a fifth-column against Egypt in case of war, and he decides to keep them at bay through abject hard labor, and damning slavery. The Israelites keep growing in number, and stir a sickening reaction among the Egyptians. Pharaoh decides to counter this natural growth by ordering the death of every male baby, allowing the females to live. Two Israeli midwifes defy the order, and offer a smart excuse, so Pharaoh orders his people to kill Israeli male babies.

Exodus 2:
Moses is born. His early life is an extraordinary story of growing up in Pharaoh's court, helping his people, which wins him Pharaoh's anger, and forces him to run to the desert where he meets his gentile wife.

Exodus 3
Moses gets his marching orders. God makes himself known to Moses, 80 years old, and a shepherd, and nominates him to lead the Israeli slaves to the promised land.

Exodus 4:
31 verses. Moses is given the power of miracles to win the trust of the people of Israel, and the attention of Pharaoh. His brother Aaron is designated to be his public speaker. Moses leaves his father in law (who must have been quite old, since Moses was 80 years old at the time). He takes his wife Zepra and his sons on the donkey towards Egypt. Aaron meets him on his way, and they both talk to their people who are grateful for this message of redemption. Verses 24, 25 are curious: 24: "On his way, in the lodge God met him and tried to kill him." Whom was God planning to kill? 25: "And Zepra took a sharp rock and circumcised her son, then touched his feet, saying -- you are my husband of blood!" Possibly God aimed to kill Moses son, for not being circumcised, and Zepra rushed to prevent this, defying the would be killer: you are my bloody man! It may be that some verses that would make sense of verses 24,25 were lost, or it may be that verse 24 was wrongly placed.