Exodus Part I Israel in Egypt (Chaps: 1-14)

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[ * Israel in Egype, Prior to the Appearance of Moses (Exodus 1-4) * ]
[ * The story of Moses and his extraordinary leadership (chps 5-14) * ]

Exodus Part I: chapter 1-14: A 400 year ordeal. A short period of privileged guest-status, followed by a torturous, cruel slavery until redemption. Moses, age 80, emerges as the extraordinary leader of a stubborn, winey people who find the transition from orderly slavery to risky freedom quite daunting. Only the next generation, those not contaminated by slavery, are ready to move on, and build the promised land.


  • Prior to the Appearance of Moses (chps 1-4)
  • The story of Moses and his extraordinary leadership (chps 5-14)